Sunday, January 13, 2008

How the project works

The Uncover Media Project, funded by The Big Lottery Fund, is aiming to change the way that the media portrays people with learning disabilities - including increasing coverage and hopefully changing public perceptions. As project co-ordinator my role is to support the two project workers and the volunteers we recruit to the team.
Along with the project workers, I have been adapting a University level media training course, to make it fully accessible and interactive to people with learning disabilities. Together we are learning how to be media savvy. I have to admit to having had a limited knowledge of the media and being very wary of how it all worked before starting the project. Mainly, this is based on previous experiences of how earlier projects had been dealt with.
Over the next few weeks I will share with you how the training is going and how, as a team ,we are getting ready to take on the media. We would love to hear from people working within the media, organisations that support people with learning disabilities, and of course most importantly people who have a learning disability. We would like to hear about your experiences from both sides of the issue. We would also like to hear about any positive coverage in local media, that we might otherwise miss.

Thanks, Denise

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