Monday, March 31, 2008

photography competition

If you live in Coventry or Warwickshire and have a learning disability why not enter our photography competition? You can enter up to 3 pictures, they need to be at least 20cm x 25cm and can be in any of the following groups:My home town, my friends or family, my job, my life or wildlife.The closing date is 30th May and we will be having a public exhibition of all the pictures sent to us. If you are interested let us know and we can send you the enter form. Go on give it a go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,

    looking forward to some of you coming to visit the WATS group to promote the competition. Thought it would be a good idea to get them to do some photograps there and then to get then interested. soem of them will have never used a digital camera before and this might stop them from entering. Will you make sure you have cameras with you that evening?
