Monday, April 21, 2008

press attention- just like busses

Isn't it funny how you try to get some attention from someone and just when you think no one is listening you find out that they are. Last week we managed to get 2 stories in the media. The first was an article about this very blogging project and appears in Learnign Disability Practice. the second was a story about our photography competition and appeared in our local paper the Coventry Telegraph.
We also had some more good news today, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire are willing to give us some live interview slots during learning disability week June 15th-22nd; which is great for our planned positive image campaign running from now until learning disability week.
Now how do we get to appear on TV? we had a practice run last week when the team visited BBC Birmingham at the MAilbox, where we got the chance to do weather forecasts and read the news. But it would be great for the team to do it for real- any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Great news about all the media coverage you'll be getting, it looks as if Learning Disability week will be a big success in Coventry this year. As far as getting on TV is concerned, it's tough, but I think you should make the most of your new-found contacts at the BBC. If they think that your story is good enough to get on the radio every day, then surely it's good enough for a slot on the telly!

    Keep up the great work everyone!

