Monday, April 21, 2008

Update on training (Coventry)

The coventry team have almost finished their training and are already planning a positive images campaign for learning disability week starting 15th June.
Recently we have looked at how to change people's minds and how the media can influence how we think. This might sound boring but it was great fun. We spent some time looking at clips on YouTube to decide whether the clips were real. We looked first at which is the Sony Bravia paint advert. The group thought that this had been computer generated. Next to challenge their views we looked at which is a spoof of the Bravia advert, this made people think that perhaps the paint exploding had really happened. Finally in this section we looked at which shows how the advert was made.
We also looked at the Polo advert featuring the singing dog and some Dom Jolly Trigger Happy TV sketches to decide if they were real. Finally we looked at a couple of April Fool sketches, the first was Hilary Clinton turning the presidential elections into a bowling match and the second was the BBC and flying penguins. Why not take a look, tell us what you think.
Later Zoe and Lynne acted out a scene where Lynne tried to change Zoe's mind, she didn't manage to so the team talked about how they would have got Zoe to change her mind. Finally the team split into 2 groups and looked at a subject bound to get people arguing, they picked vegetarianism and the war in Iraq. They had to present 'facts' to the other group and get them to change their minds. The team used a variety of tactics including the guilt factor and cute pictures of lambs (the veggies), or pictures of coffins and lots of hard facts (Iraq). By the end of the day the team all agreed that they will no longer believe everything they read in the papers or see on the TV.

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